
Het is onze missie om leerkrachten en leerlingen in het basisonderwijs te helpen om het beste van zichzelf voor de klas te brengen. We doen dit door de unieke uitdagingen van leerkrachten en leerlingen aan te pakken en het plezier van lesgeven en leren te helpen vergroten. Hieronder vind je enkele voorbeelden daarvan.

  • How did you work this week?

    For students, it is useful to be able to look back at the work...

  • Challenging Your Stronger Students?

    How great is it when your students can always work at their own level?...

  • Do Your Students Review Their Work?

    An essential part of feedback is reviewing one's work. Students can now look back...

  • Practicing Customized for Each Lesson?

    It's important to challenge all of your students at their own level. But it's...

  • The Best Feedback for Every Student?

    Do you have one or a few students in the classroom for whom the...

  • Better Insight for Your Students

    Recently, several small changes have been made to the student environment. We are happy...

  • Does everyone have to follow your instruction?

    In Snappet, you already have the choice to set up separate lesson plans for...

  • Putting test goals into the working set?

    Did you know that you can easily set up the learning goals from the...

  • What am I going to learn?

    Feedback to students is necessary to achieve good learning results. Within Snappet, we therefore...

  • What is the Level of Your Students?

    Certainly! Below is the text translated into both English and Spanish. English: What is...

  • More Learning Outcomes with Effective Feedback

    Over the past few years, students have received feedback billions of times through Snappet....