Few things beat transferring the most valuable and interesting parts of what we already know to the curious minds of the next generation.
We understand the crucial role teachers play and the increasingly complicated challenges they face in the modern classroom. Snappet helps teachers by developing interactive, standards-aligned core curricula and solutions that continuously address and adapt to the specific needs of every teacher, class, student, and school.
Because if every school, classroom, teacher and day is unique, then why is your lessonplan not unique?

Next generation core curricula
Imagine what a lessonplan would look like if you had reviewed and analyzed the workbooks of hundreds of thousands of students every day for 10 years. To find out what works best for whom and when. A core curriculum that combines proven best practices with the latest pedagogical insights, all refined by the input of teachers from more than 2500 elementary schools.
That’s exactly what we’ve done at Snappet. Our team of over 200 educational specialists, former teachers, and subject experts have put everything into creating the ultimate core curriculum for math that you can easily and flexibly adapt to the specific needs of you as a teacher, your students, and your school. Because every class is unique.

Supplemental solutions
Many of the new possibilities can also be used in addition to other core curricula. Such as extra adaptive practice with direct feedback, extra instruction or extra challenge for strong students.
Discover how you can strengthen your current curriculum with Snappet as a supplement. Create an account and try it yourself in your class.
Want to know more?
We’d love to show you everything about Snappet, our comprehensive core curricula, and the supplementary solutions for teachers. Whether you want a demo at your District or a short online meeting, we’re here for you. Schedule an appointment via the button below, or contact us at (888) 884-4260 (8 AM – 12 PM EST).