
Het is onze missie om leerkrachten en leerlingen in het basisonderwijs te helpen om het beste van zichzelf voor de klas te brengen. We doen dit door de unieke uitdagingen van leerkrachten en leerlingen aan te pakken en het plezier van lesgeven en leren te helpen vergroten. Hieronder vind je enkele voorbeelden daarvan.

  • How did you work this week?

    For students, it is useful to be able to look back at the work...

  • A view of all classes at a glance?

    A view of how things are going in all classes at a glance can...

  • Choosing the weekly planning that really suits you?

    With the Snappet Math core curriculum, you have everything you need to design Math...

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  • Where is Some Extra Attention Needed?

    In various places in the dashboard, you can already clearly see how far you...

  • Insight into the Progress of Your Class?

    Finally available by popular demand: a classroom overview of progress and skill. It gives...

  • Which students are falling behind?

    To be able to properly apply the ERWD protocol, it's important to know if...

  • Does everyone have to follow your instruction?

    In Snappet, you already have the choice to set up separate lesson plans for...

  • A quick glance at all your students?

    Snappet gives you extensive feedback per school year or semester. You can find this,...

  • Has the lesson been understood by everyone?

    The Lesson Plan shows for each lesson to what extent your students have achieved...

  • More Learning Outcomes with Effective Feedback

    Over the past few years, students have received feedback billions of times through Snappet....