Snappet Math
Our Math core curriculum has a strong proven didactic foundation. The offering fully covers the state Standards. With every lesson, you can directly see which Standard you are working towards. The mathematics lessons have a structured build-up that aligns with the latest didactic insights for the subject. With each instruction lesson, we clearly identify which learning phases you go through.
Workbooks, manipulatives and digital course material
Our Math core curriculum offers an optimal balance between digital course material, workbooks, and manipulatives. Thanks to our collaboration with 2500 schools, we know precisely where which strategies and exercises work best. And when you can work best in a paper workbook, digitally, or with manipulatives. Because your students record the intermediate steps of an assignment in the workbook, you can see precisely where you can correct a possible strategy error.
Step-by-step instructions
The instructions from Snappet Mathematics align with direct instruction models such as EDI, IGDI, DIM, and ADI. If another form of instruction works better for a learning goal, we offer that. You gradually present the core of the learning goal to the class, typically following the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach. This way, students are challenged to establish relationships between the levels, thus developing mathematical concepts and procedures step by step.
Proven strategies
We based the range of Math strategies on th elatest scientific research and the development experience of our education professionals and Math experts. We first offer the basic strategy to all students, which is always clearly explained to the student. Difficult learning goals contain a short step-by-step plan. You first model this for the class, then you do it together, and finally, the student practices independently (in line with the EDI model).
Lessons with a fixed structure
Lessons with a fixed structure
- Instruction and guided practice
The lesson always starts with the introduction of the learning goal and the activation of prior knowledge. Then you give the interactive classroom instruction and let the students practice guided. During the guided practice, you receive direct feedback and see immediately whether your class has understood the lesson material. - Small group instruction
Based on the guided practice, you can determine which students still need extra help in the form of small group instruction on the same learning goal. We have already set this up for you. - Independent practice
After the (small group) instruction, the students independently work on the learning goal. After the first ten exercises, they continue to practice adaptively: we automatically challenge them with assignments at their own level. When they have sufficiently practiced the learning goal, the students can continue to work on other, personal learning goals that you have set up for them in their working set.
No more tests needed
With Snappet Math, there’s no need for separate testing. Formative testing is fully integrated into your students’ daily work, thanks to effective feedback and extensive analytical options. By the end of each week, you can determine whether your students have mastered the material for the goals offered, making separate tests generally unnecessary, which saves significant time. If you still wish to administer tests, they’re available for each unit in every grade level.
Support in lesson preparation
We assist you as much as possible in preparing for each instructional lesson, with comprehensive lesson guides (digitally or on paper), tips on the exercises, expectations for you and the students, and information about your students’ progress.
Fluency in your lesson plan
Quickly learning to calculate is a vital prerequisite for developing new mathematical skills. Hence, fluency is a fixed part of Snappet Math. Using exercises that students have to answer within a certain time, you test whether the student has automated the sum or still has to calculate it.
Differentiation in class
One of the challenges of every group is finding the balance between the needs of your whole group and those of individual students. With Snappet Math, we offer you everything to make this differentiation effective, intuitive, and especially easy on a daily, weekly, and long-term basis.
Ownership and feedback to the student
It’s important that students challenge themselves to become owners of their own learning process. We provide students with insight into their learning process, making it easier for you to guide their ownership.
Enrichment for strong mathematicians
For strong mathematicians, we have made special enrichment material. These tasks are more challenging than regular exercises, for example, by using larger numbers and requiring higher thinking skills.
Support with our teaching methods
Our school advisors are happy to advise on the use of Snappet at the school level. You can easily schedule an online advice conversation to get help with things like:
- The analysis and interpretation of learning results at school and class level
- Further increasing learning results
- Creating a continuous line within the school team
- The choice for a (new) mathematics, spelling, or language method
We also offer various multi-day and one-time trainings for school teams, teachers, and Snappet coordinators. Each training is led by an expert trainer. The content of the training is agreed upon based on the needs of the participants or school.